Bethlehem Family Camp rates are all-inclusive. Based on a per-person rate; housing, meals, worship services, classes, materials,  and all scheduled program activities are included in the program rate. 

Plan A

Campers are registered for the week,
June 23–30, 2023

Includes 20 meals, 7 nights of lodging

Plan B

Campers are registered for the weekend,
June 23–25, 2023

Includes 6 meals, 2 nights of lodging

Plan C

Campers are registered for the day,
any day between June 23–30

Includes 3 meals, 1 night of lodging

*T-Shirt provided for Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School,  College & Career (Plan A only).
Plan B and C, adults, & elementary children, add to  your cart when registering ($10 each).

Housing & Building Rates

Program Plan A Plan B Plan C Additional Info
Nursery will only be available during adult classes and services
Elementary Children
Ages 4 – Rising 3rd Grade
Available during adult classes and services. Room with their guardians.
Upper Elementary (SonSeekers)
Rising 4th – Rising 9th Grader
24/7 Program
Campers room in the dorm with their peers and participate in all the SonSeeker activities.
Middle School
Rising 7th Grade – Rising 9th Grade
24/7 Program
Campers room in the dorm with their peers and participate in all the Middle School activities.
High School
Rising 10th Grade – 12th Grade
24/7 Program
Campers room in the dorm with their peers and participate in all the Youth activities.
College & Career
Completed 1 year of College or Work Post-High School
24/7 Program
Campers room in the dorm with their peers and participate in all the College & Career activities.
(Rooms with Private Baths)
Single Occupancy: $375
Double Occupancy: $375
Single Occupancy: $125
Double Occupancy: $125
Single Occupancy: $65
Double Occupancy: $65
Dorms w/Private Baths: Vintage Hotel, Heritage House, Griffin Manor
(with Hall Baths)
Single Occupancy: $300
Double Occupancy: $300
Single Occupancy: $100
Double Occupancy: $100
Single Occupancy: $60
Double Occupancy: $60
Dorm w/Hall Baths: Jeter Hall, Moore Hall
Sibling Discount
Plan A Only (SonSeekers – College)
First two siblings: $290 each
Third sibling and above: $250 each
For further information contact Cindy Dunaway

BOGO! (Buy One Get One Half Off)

To introduce new adults and families to this dynamic camp, current Bethlehem families can sponsor someone who has never attended the camp at the BOGO rate. This is for adults and their preschool – lower elementary children only. Both sponsor and new camper must be registered by May 23, one month before camp begins. The new attendee’s registration also must include the sponsor’s name.

For further information contact Sherry Edewaard, the registrar at 850-643-1628.